Sunday, October 24, 2010

“Women have the right to work wherever they want, as long as they have the dinner ready when you get home"- John Wayne

October 23rd: This was my weekend to do the feedings without the speech therapist and Duke did well. He took 5ml for both of his feeds today. Mom and I went on a tour of the baby rehab, which is nice, but Children’s is 1 billion times nicer so it was an adjustment to see it. They moved his air pressure to 1 liter today and he didn’t care for that too much and we had to work a lot of position to ensure he was breathing deeply. Other than that it was a quiet day for Duke.
October 24th: Went early to do the feedings so Duke was on schedule for feedings. Duke usually doesn’t do as well with his first feeds, but he took 11 ml on his first feed and didn’t destat more than once. He was very awake for the afternoon and very cuddly. He is a fan of holding hands and looking. His smile reflex is kicking in and he will smile which is heart melting. I haven’t caught a good one on film yet, but I will. His second feed he took 7 ml and destated twice. The afternoon was more challenging than the first because he was more tired because he was awake. I am going to talk with the doctors tomorrow about his breathing because if he is still struggling with 1 liter we may need to put off baby rehab for a couple of days to ensure he is 100% good off the oxygen. I would rather be safe than back at a hospital.

**Yes I know the quote isn’t kosher now a days, but I was his feeder today and thought it made the quote ironic**

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