Tuesday, October 12, 2010

“A man`s got to have a code, a creed to live by, no matter his job.”- John Wayne

October 12th: Duke has one job and that is to get out of the hospital. This week my little bird is determined to get out of there because it was another progressive day.

            Remember yesterday when the doctors told me they would be waiting to see how Duke does for a couple days before moving him to 6 liters of pressure on this Vapo-Therm. Well Duke did so well on 7.0 liters with no destats and a CO2 count of 59 (which is amazing) they decided to move him to 6.0 liters. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it and the nurse was just as excited as I was. He is only a few steps from being off oxygen, Way to go Duke!

            With a baby there are crazy things you get excited for, which someone who has had a full 8 hours of sleep would tell you it’s not a big deal, but for a new mom it’s exciting. Today Duke got a belly button. No longer does he have the baby umbilical cord, now he has an innie belly button.

            Duke’s left eye has cleared up, but his right eye is still a little goopy. I am looking forward to a fun day with Duke tomorrow and to be able to see how much more he has grown tomorrow.

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