Friday, October 8, 2010

"The best way to survive an Oscar is to never try to win another one. You`ve seen what happens to some Oscar winners. They spend the rest of their lives turning down scripts while searching for the great role to win another one. Hell, I hope I`m never even nominated again. It`s meat-and-potato roles for me from now on." - John Wayne

October 8th:  The more I think about Duke boxing with the doctor yesterday the more I am glad Duke is named John Wayne. For those of you who don’t know much about John Wayne the legend he was battling cancer while still making 21 movies before he died, the man was a pillar of strength as Cancer riddled his body. He even won the Oscar for True Grit just 5 years after his  original diagnosis. My little Duke doesn’t have cancer (something I thank god for in prayers at night) but he is a fighter. He wasn’t moving his arms as much as yesterday, but his feet broke free from his swaddle twice. Once, when I was holding him, he kicked me in my stitches. Lucky for me his kicks aren’t as bad as I am sure it will be in a few years.

            Duke was mostly quiet today with Pop Rock and I today, he had a high CO2 count at night (which was against the numbers for the past 3 days). The nurse said this was odd and he didn’t show any reasons why he got a high number. He dropped again later in the evening (phew!) No new changes since he is still stable with his number minus that little blip of an increase. Knowing the weekend is coming up they probably won’t make any changes until Monday. At least Duke has been content with the new mask.

            Here is the Funny Duke moment of the day. Duke and I were reading our book and I heard a kissing noise. I look up and Duke is smooching/ making a sucking motion at me for his pacifier. Just picture the first time Audrey 2 comes alive in Little Shop of Horror Movie and you have it. It was beyond adorable!

**Thank you to the Redman family for bringing dinner for our family tonight. There is so much food leftover we should be good for meals this weekend. Thank you!**

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