Saturday, October 30, 2010

"When people say a John Wayne picture got bad reviews, I always wonder if they know it's a redundant sentence, but hell, I don't care. People like my pictures and that's all that counts."- John Wayne

October 29th: So I spent the first half of my visit talking to the doctor and nurse practitioner about how I was NOT PLEASED about multiple things and finally got some answers. Of course it took me seeing my son’s feed wasn’t connected to his NG tube in his nose but was leaking on his bed to get me to explain exactly how pissed I was.
Duke talking to his horse

            They weaned Duke down to .3 liters after making an attempt at having him completely off Oxygen and he wasn’t ready yet. I do believe it is worth trying and he was good for a while, but just couldn’t get back to where he was after 5 minutes. It was the first time I saw him without the oxygen tubes and it was lovely to see his face. They also agreed to start doing every other feed as a bottle attempt….Finally! This will get him more use to eating from a bottle.

            Pop Rock and I were trained on CPR (well dad re-trained) and how to place NG tubes for babies. I feel confident I could do either of these if they needed to happen, but I hope I never have to use them.

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