Thursday, October 28, 2010

"[on why he never wrote an autobiography] Those who like me already know me, and those who don't like me wouldn't want to read about me anyway."- John Wayne

October 28th: Okay this blog will be in two parts. Part 1 will talk about how Duke did today; Part 2 will talk about how Mommy did today. So if you are here to read about Duke you should just read part 1. If you want to read about my hysterical fit I had today then read past part 1.
Duke- Today was Duke’s first full day at Rehab and he was his usual charming self. He cooed when the occupational, physical and speech therapist came, which they thought was cute, but excellent because he is finding multiple uses for breathing. He was observed by them and they were impressed by his movements for someone with low tone. Duke showed he is trying to center his head naturally than having it fall to one side or the other. He then proceeded to have a huge poop and the examination was over.

            Duke moved down to .5 liters of oxygen today and his vitals were crazy good. He hasn’t destated since coming to rehab. He has been breathing with a little more noise, but it is all him breathing. In fact they took him off the air for about 1-2 minutes and he didn’t drop his breathing or fuss during the move.

            Feeding went well today he was awake for most of the am feeds and got 6ml and was very awake for the afternoon and took 13 ml from the bottle.

Crystal- I hate this place! I feed like my parents just dropped me off at camp at a crappy camp after having me spend a week at the Ritz and I want to go home. I want to call them, have them pick me up and we better stop at McDonald’s on the way home.
            My day started by the nurses telling me Duke only at 2ml by bottle last night, which he hasn’t done since he started bottle feeding. I was told this was because he was sleepy. I asked why didn’t they wake him up…. They didn’t like that. The babies in the ward are criers and their alarms go off a lot.
            I was introduced to the speech, physical and occupational therapists at the same time. These 3 ladies were over my shoulder as I was feeding Duke all giving me their advice. Each lady told me what they would be doing for Duke for the next couple of weeks, and the next couple of weeks, and the next couple of weeks. I started crying because they were talking about weeks after weeks. I may have pissed off the speech therapist because when she was asking me questions while I asked her why she didn’t read the email the speech therapists from Children’s hospital send her. That didn’t go over to to well.
            While talking to the 3 therapists the hospital the hospital psychologist came in. I thought the psychologist was here for Duke….nope it was for me. She saw I was crying and told me crying was a sign of strength…………nope not to me. Then she started asking me questions and analyzing me, to which I said to her “B**** you don’t know me!” Okay I didn’t say it but I thought it and just started answering uh huh as she kept talking.
            Next the social worker for the ward asked me to come in and talk with her about when I was to set up the meeting for Duke’s plan. When I told her about plans if I did or didn’t have to go back to work next week I started crying she told me everyone cries and I should go back to work a soon as possible and just visit my son on the weekends. How can I not see my little bird every day?
            By this time I tried to get lunch at the cafeteria but they don’t accept credit card and there are no ATM machines. This place is from the Stone Age!
            I took a moment and ate some trail mix from the vending machine and took a moment outside the ward. When I got back I was determined to hold Duke and read our book together. Then finally someone came to progress my baby rather than just piss me off. Hello respiratory therapy. Two ladies came in to change Duke over into a new meter which will allow him to decrease liters by .10 percentages. These ladies talked to each other and not to me. I thanked them when they left and was so glad they didn’t want to talk, but made a change to get my baby home.

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