Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"When I started, I knew I was no actor and I went to work on this Wayne thing. It was as deliberate a projection as you'll ever see. I figured I needed a gimmick, so I dreamed up the drawl, the squint and a way of moving meant to suggest that I wasn't looking for trouble but would just as soon throw a bottle at your head as not. I practiced in front of a mirror." John Wayne

October 23rd: Newest update from Duke's Teacher. I very proud of how well Duke is doing and am so proud of him, he's fantastic.
  • "Duke had a great week at school! I am so glad that you were able to come to the bounce house. I know that he had a great time and I hope you had a great time meeting the other parents. Duke is doing really well using words in the classroom. We know that he is very capable so we always encourage him to try to use his words when he wants something or when he is trying to tell us something. His little stubborn behaviors continue to improve every single day. He is making it through circle time without indicating that he wants to be somewhere else. He is doing really well with following directions in the classroom and transitioning through our routine with fewer prompts. We are really proud of him :)" I asked what Duke likes to do in the classroom here is the response."Duke loves to dance, play during centers (blocks, housekeeping, and reading tree), play outside with his friends, eat snack, and sing songs/finger plays during circle time! "
It's amazing how big he is now compared to this little guy on his first October.


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