Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"[on the Oscars] You can't eat awards -- nor, more to the point, drink 'em." -John Wayne

October 9th: Got an update from Duke's Teacher about his progress in class. I am very excited about how he is doing in school (minus the stubbornness). He's been working with me as I write lately; which I love.

"Duke had an AWESOME week at school! Although we are still working on those stubborn behaviors, he is responding really well to cues from adults to follow directions. Duke has learned to sit through our entire circle time without whining to get up. He drank from a cup today (multiple sips) without spilling! He did spill the first two times but the last attempt he drank multiple sips without spilling. He was really proud of himself. We have also heard a lot of language from Duke this week. He is repeating words and signs. So he was eating cheez its (sending the extra home with him) and he started putting them back in the little cheez its bag. So I took one of his and started to put it in a different cheez its bag. He went to grab for it and shook his head "no" to tell me that it was his. It was very funny but also very smart that he knew exactly what I was doing. Smarty pants!"

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