Thursday, September 23, 2010

"I am a demonstrative man, a baby picker-upper, a hugger and a kisser--that's my nature." - John Wayne

September 23rd:  Pop Rock and I went to the hospital this morning. We were excited because Day 2 off the ventilator and Duke is staying strong. We have to keep his neck a little up to help with his breathing, because unlike his cousins his neck muscles aren’t as strong. There weren’t any more tubes leaving today, but he only has a few left and we are working on those tubes.
Today I got to hold Duke for the first time today. The type of holding I did today is called the Kangaroo hold. It is meant to have the baby feel like it is back in the womb and comforting. The baby is able to help with regulating their temperature, aid in digestion and allow for bonding with you baby. If you want to learn more……that is why god invented Google magic my friends.
Holding Duke today was absolutely amazing. He is very long but very tiny so picking him up was very nerve wracking because I can’t even remember having dolls this small. I put him down my shirt for the Kangaroo hold so we were chest to chest. I will admit after holding him today made it the hardest of all days to leave him. Poprock was apprehensive holding him today but Grammy jumped at the chance for some hold time.
The nutritionist upped Dukes milk dosage today, so he is not getting 2 tsps of breast milk every 3 hours. He has done well with the milk and he is close to starting eating from a bottle (that is goal #3 to go home).
            There was a radio-thon today at Children’s Hospital with the radio station 107.3. They were there from 5am-7pm and had a goal of raising $250,000 and ended up raising $426,000. A lot of children who have been staying at the hospital for a while were there making crafts and talking to the DJ’s. Very cute and amazing fundraiser for the hospital.

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