Thursday, July 31, 2014

John Wayne on the Oscars "You can't eat awards -- nor, more to the point, drink 'em."

July 31st: July has been a stressful and rewarding month with Duke. The beginning of the month was Duke's Dental work (due to low saliva big man had 12 cavities that needed to be filled). Luckily they are all filled and he's got all of his teeth sealed so he can't get anymore. He was funny at the hospital before as he had all Spiderman PJ's and a new Spiderman toy. Afterwards ....well he wanted to stay asleep and didn't like that we were getting him up. He slept a while after on the couch with his favorite blanket (the one with bugs he got as a baby from Aunt Candi) and eventually got us to nothing but Disney movies and a bubble bath (this new favorite bath activity...aka Duke: The bubble destroyer)

Duke had 3 weeks of summer school with his teacher and classmates. I love his teacher, and I will be so sad when he goes to kindergarten because she set a really high standard. I love that she has fun with duke and wanted to share their fun experiences together with friends (she even asked which I love about her, though I have no problems showing off duke anywhere. He's kind of amazing.)
Shaving cream fun

Watching M&M's loose their color.

I love their faces in this picture.

Finally Potty Training is going, Duke knows when he just missed out and tries to go to the potty when he sees other go (yeah it's awkward at times).  It's on his time, just like everything else.
He goes potty with Swag.

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