Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fun Fact: But back to True Grit (1969). Henry Hathaway used the backgrounds in such a way that it became almost a fantasy. Remember that one scene, where old Rooster is facing those four men across the meadow, and he takes the reins in his teeth and charges? Fill your hands, you varmints!

March 19th: Duke had a dentist appointment today, I am floored and amazing this kid is daily. I have NEVER seen him behave so good as he did for the dentist today. He showed thy hygienist how to clean a toy monkey and dinosaurs teeth, which he won't even do at home without a fight. He sat on his own and let the doctor poke around in his mouth and did what the doctor said. The experience was AMAZING!!!!

I would like to thank Duke's Teacher for the prep work on this, he just learned about teeth, as shared in February as their lesson....this is him...not amused, but it paid off by making the appointment easier.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that it went so well! That top picture is adorable :) Way to go Duke!!
