Friday, July 8, 2011

"You're going to think I'm being corny, but this is how I really feel: I hope my family and my friends will be able to say that I was an honest, kind and fairly decent man." John Wayne

July 8th: Duke had his 9 month physical this week. He is 15 lbs 8 oz and 26" in length. Keeping him on the examination table is a challenge because all he wants to do is flip and roll and explore his surroundings. To show you how much little man has grown I give exhibit A. Here is his holding his teddy bear from the hospital, note that he is now bigger than the bear.

      After the appointment we were told to start trying him on solid foods or table foods. He is to be socialized in his high chair at dinning times and should be given something to eat such as puffs, cheerios or a bagel. I'm not sure about the bagel yet but we will see. Dukes first attempt were puffs and spaghetti strands. He did a good job pinching the puffs, but when in his mouth he tongued them out. The Spaghetti was funny because it would go in his mouth then come right back out.

      Duke had a very full weekend and week. We went to a party at my friend Laura's parents house and Duke was, as usual, a gem. He would laugh and smile when people were around and was so fascinated being outside.
      At the party there was a teenage boy hanging out, mostly people there were in their late 20's and up. He came over to look at Duke and talk with him, then he took his shoes off and got on the blanket and played with Duke. He's talking to him, shaking the rattle and getting him to roll; which was difficult in the grass. Duke is laughing so hard at the boy he can't catch his breathe at time, and I am laughing too. I found the whole scenario to be mezmorizing because he's a teenage boy, who didn't have the "I don't care" mentality and brushes things off. He was geniune and caring with this little baby. Duke...learn something from your buddy Marcus.

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