Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"I was overwhelmed by the feeling of friendship, comradeship, and brotherhood"- John Wayne

June 1st: Babies first day at the pool was this weekend. Duke took it the same way he took his first bath, with consistent looks of "what is this about?" The funny things is he was so interesting to the little girls at the pool, they came over asked his name and why he was in a raft. Duke just looked at them like why are you bothering me. He and I will work on our social skills.

Duke is up to 14 lbs and has cute baby arm rolls. He's a fan of bananas and applesauce, he hates peas with a vengeance. He is rolling in the deep and knows how to get his butt u,p but he has to work on his abs to get him to scoot  more to crawling. He talks to himself, but mostly to his bee that is on the edge of his pack and play, the bee doesn't respond, but Duke keeps talking.
When fast music is on, he will kick his legs in a furry, in this little video you can see his "Paws Up" at the end. Notice, he only dances on the chorus.

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