Decemeber 3rd-8th: If you haven't noticed, and I apoligize for the lack of notice, I will be writing the blog weekly now, unless their is HUGE news (i.e. rolling over 100%, tooth, crawl, etc). The reason behind the weekly updates is though I love my son every day writing he was just cute today as the only update is redundant for the readers. So here is what happened this week with Duke. His weight is up to 8 1/2 pounds. Dr.Schneider is so impressed with hims as is the nurses. He as released the nurse because of his progress and the oxygen will be out of the house soon too. Duke has rolled from left side to belly and then head from right to left. This is not what a almost 3 month old should be doing, but with the therapies he has had in the home they said it wasn't a surprise that he is overdoing his motor skills. I just am impressed by this movement because I remember him not movind as the reason for inducing my pregnancy.
When it comes to Dukes attitude I have come to realize Duke is very serious, he went through a tramatic experiance in the hospital with all the equipments and tubes and he needs time to just feel loved and comfortable. Though Duke is serious I am seeing more smiles lately. He likes to creep them in while I look away and I catch the tale in. My precious boy is an amazing little guy who I love to have staring contests with.
I will say one things about Duke, he loves music. When he fusses humming or singing comforts him. He recognizes specific songs and he calms down quicker, but I often try to sneak a new song in to get him familiar with the music. He also has enjoyed the Christmas cartoons as of late, he may not understand them but he likes to stare at the screen at the colors moving by.
The Nightmare Before Christmas held his attention the little star!
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