Monday, November 3, 2014

"There were periods when you could blow the valve and let off some steam. Like Halloween. You'd talk about it for three months ahead of time, and then that night you'd go out and stick the hose in the lawn, turn it on and start singing Old Black Joe or something. And when people came out from their Halloween party, you'd lift the hose and wet them down. " John Wayne

November 3rd: Halloween and Duke are a magical time. He loved dressing up and he has so many costumes he has gotten/ had passed down to him. This year was very different from other Halloween's though...this year he liked candy...he likes candy a lot. My pockets can not handle any more dental bills for his poor teeth this year with his low saliva, one of the many reasons I don' let Duke eat candy. He's tried every day since Halloween to negotiate him being allowed to eat more then the budgeted two pieces of candy. He is very funny in the process as she points to the candy and asks as he pretends to throw a piece in the air and catch it in his mouth. He is a funny kid!
Duke at his field trip

Duke and his classroom pumpkin

He has the funniest expressions

DC Comics vs Marvel Comics

Bumblebee at night and Hulk during the day