He had jeans but had an accident (don't judge the pants) |
We took Duke to see Spiderman 2 yesterday, he was ok 85% of the time (the other 15% of the time) after we went out to eat dinner, they didn't have a Spiderman coloring page, so Duke asked to have spider's drawn on his page for him to color over (FYI all Spider's are Spiderman).
For a week I took pictures and video's of duke (many of the video's he is singing or dancing). Duke likes wearing a lot of different things and I've been letting him pick more of his clothes. The end is a bit cloppy, I'm still learning the program. Duke loves singing the end of this song because the lyrics are "Don't go Cryin' to your Mama" he sing/screams that from his car seat. Also featured are his cousins Justin and Izzy.