April 10th: Duke is almost 7 months old and has gotten to 12 lbs. He is super healthy (I mean one cold and one fever over this time: he totally got my amazing immune system). His hair still rocks the widows peak which naturally mohawks. His eyes are 100% blue, which are very clear and lovely. His favorite tools are the light honeycomb balls and his zebra rattle.
Duke's music taste keeps expanding from classic rock, he likes Ce Lo, B.O.B., Foo Fighters, Paul McCartney and Lady GaGa. When we are doing his exercised on the floor or ball. He has started to sing a bit when he hears music too, which at first I thought was him fussing, but realized he only did it when music was on. Then it was cute!
He's holding his head up and has a cute table Pop Rock made for him where he sits up and rolls trains to help develop his motor skills.
Duke has shown a lot of personality and it is all positive, he very rarely cries and sleeps through the night (blessing!). He laughs in the morning and the night and has very ticklish feet. He is a total cuddle bug in the morning and after his 5am bottle we sleep together until I have to go to work.